(Artwork by artist Kelly Watts 2013)
"I am doing the best that I can."
I am so sorry it has been so long since my last post, I hadn't even realized it will be a month tomorrow.
I have been trying really hard to make it through this rainy season without losing my sanity.
June 25th we had a big rain storm and the rivers rose in Calgary and flooded downtown and many houses along the river banks.
Our City had a great deal of destruction to deal with damages from the flooding.
It was awesome to see the people of Calgary come together to volunteer to help clean up;
of coarse I couldn't be involved in that process as I can barely clean up my own house.
Rainy season is a horrible season for people with Chronic Illnesses.
The air is moist and the joints are inflamed!
I have been extremely inflamed and sore for this entire month.
I can't even relax when the sun is shining this year because there is so much moisture in the air.
Today, well today I am very irritable. I think I am in a lot of pain and not realizing it or something because I do not remember being this irritable in a long time.
I am irritated by sounds lately. My ears are sensitive. I wear ear plugs during the day if there is a particularily annoying sound such as a lawn mower, or a jack hammer (like last week when a neighbor was redoing his driveway). Today... well I think I will live with ear plugs even when there is no specific annoying noise because everything seems to irritate me today.
Music on my ipod annoys me! That is so strange because I receive so much peace from my music, usually.
Do any of you have irritableness with noises? I mean an extreme oversensitive kind of irritableness?
I am going to pray that the Lord calms my soul down... give me a 'chill-pill' Lord and help me to leave my irritibility at the foot of the cross! Thank you and amen!
Praying for strength and for extra spoons for all my fellow spoonies!
Hugs and many blessings
Kelly Watts